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Service Listing
Case Management Services

A program designed to provide social interaction, connection to community resources and assistance with daily living skills for people who have more difficulty coping with their symptoms of mental illness.

Monica Black, LSW
Team Leader
(513) 868-5157

Susanna Lozano, LISW-S
(513) 868-5129

Youth First

The leading resource for mental and behavioral health solutions for children and teens in Butler County and beyond.

Kelly Cole, LISW-S
Mental Health Supervisor
(513) 424-0921 ext.26

Domestic Violence Services

Offering treatment, counseling, and education for batterers and victims.

Stephanie Billingsley, PC,CDCA
Domestic Violence Cooridantor
(513) 424-0921 ext. 38

Robert McCollum, CDCA
Team Leader
(513) 868-5148

Mental Health Services Middletown

The leading mental health resource for residents in Butler County and beyond. Our diverse programs and services provide comprehensive support to those in our community affected by mental health issues.

Kelly Cole, LISW-S
Mental Health Supervisor
(513) 424-0921 ext. 26

Susanna Lozano, LISW-S
(513) 868-5129

Outpatient Chemical Dependency Middletown

A service that offers abstinence-based outpatient programs to individuals struggling with drug or alcohol issues.

David Kanitz, PCC-S
(513) 424-0921 ext. 60

Decisions and Countermeasures

Decisions program is a 72-hour state certified, (DIP) program for individuals arrested or convicted of an OMVI/DUI offense involving drugs and/or alcohol. Countermeasures is a 2 day educational program geared toward individuals with misdemeanor offenses such as open container, underage consumption or drug paraphernalia.

John Andrews, LSW, LCDCIII
(513) 868-5144

Christy Morris, LCDCII

SAMI (Substance Abuse Mental Illness)

A program that provides treatment services for clients suffering from co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders.

Retrina Ralls, RN
(513) 868-5104

TASC (Treatment Accountability For Safer Communities)

A rehabilitation assessment program for clients faced with legal issues involving substance abuse.

Will Marshall, LICDC
(513) 868-5147

Day Reporting

A reporting center that offers behavioral health programming and services to its court-involved, at-risk populations.

Steve Cahill, LICDC
(513) 868-5105

Drug Court

A program offering an alternative to jail for individuals convicted of crimes involving substance abuse.

Will Marshall, LICDC
(513) 868-5147

Steve Cahill, LICDC
Phone (513) 868-5105

Chief Clinical Officer Designee

Provides clinical oversight of Butler County Mental Health consumers residing in a state or local hospital and consumers currently on probate or forensic status.

Dr. Myron Fridman, Ph.D.
Chief Clinical Officer Designee
(513) 868-5139

At Home Program

A support program that provides additional assistance to children who may be in need of a mentor.

Susan Boyd, LPN, CDCA
At Home Supervisor

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